About Me

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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Time To Get Busy!

Between a visit from my brother and battling a nasty sinus infection I haven't had much time to spend in the sewing room lately, but now it's time to get busy! Our fourth granddaughter is due in a little over a month and I have yet to start on her quilt. The theme for the nursery is "tea party" and I found this tea party fabric by Susan Branch last spring when I was in Lancaster and I think it will be the perfect base for this quilt. If all goes well, I hope that I will have a lot of tea party quilt updates to show you this week!


1. Deb said...

I hope you are now feeling a lot brighter. A tea party is a great theme for a little girls nursery, must be lovely being a grandma.

2. Barb said...

Susan, I do hope you are feeling much better, there is quilting needing to be done! I love the "Tea Party" theme, and your fabric is perfect ~ you can do it in a week I just know you can! Be sure to share pics of the quilt with us. Grandma is just the best title ever!!

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