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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, April 11, 2016


The nice folks at Annie's have given me not one, but TWO online classes to giveaway!  That's right, one person will win the Learn to Quilt with Scraps class and another will win the Learn to Make Pineapple Quilts class!

The Learn to Quilt with Scraps class is the class that I have been working through the last couple of weeks.  The class comes with three scrap quilt patterns along with tips for cutting and containing your scraps and valuable information on how to put colors together in your scrap quilts.

Preview the Learn to Quilt with Scraps class by clicking HERE.

I was fortunate to see Gyleen demonstrate her method for making the pineapple block in person a couple of years ago.  There really is no easier way to make this block!  This class also includes patterns for three quilts!

Preview the Learn to Make Pineapple Quilts by clicking HERE.

Here's how to enter...
Simply leave a comment here under this post!  I would love to know what your favorite scrap quilt pattern is! (one entry)

For one extra entry, help spread the word!  Share about this giveaway on your blog, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. and come back here and leave a comment telling me that you shared. (optional extra entry)

The giveaway will close Monday, April 18th at 8:00 p.m. EST.  The winner will be drawn by Random Number Generator and announced on Tuesday, April 19th.  

*NOTE* The winner will be notified by email, so make sure that I will be able to contact you through Blogger or leave your e-mail address with your comment.


1. Shelina said...

Looks like a great giveaway. My favorite scrap quilt that I've made is my rail fence. I took one and a half inch strips of all of my scraps and put it together. It is on my couch, and I just enjoy looking at it every day. So simple but so magnificent.

2. Gene Black said...

My favorite scrap quilt pattern is the only pattern that I really followed for 99% of the way. It is Gyleen's "Bricks, Cobblestones and Pebbles" quilt that was tested as a Facebook Quilt Along.

Usually I don't follow a pattern very well. I would love to take an online class from Gyleen.

3. Gypsy Quilter said...

Well this is exciting. Sign me up please.

4. Needled Mom said...

I'm a fan of any scrap quilt, but I think my favorite is the strippy blocks.

5. Unknown said...

Thank you for the chance to win! I love scrappy quilts like pineapple or spiderweb, the more fabrics the better!

6. @lutzcats said...

Yellow brick road...easy!

7. Debbie in Texas said...

I'm having so much fun since a friend added me to Gyleen's mystery group
I'm also in the Polygon group
I would love to take an online class from her
debbiealleytx @ yahoo.com

8. Rand said...

Have enjoyed Gyleen's Bricks, Cobblestones and Pebbles projects and would love to do her scrap class.
Rand in Georgia

9. mjl said...

Love scrap quilts... Just finished Gyleen mystery BC&P.. So much fun.

10. Renea said...

I love making scrap quilts. I would have to say that string quilts are my favorite to make. Thanks for the great giveaway.

11. Unknown said...

I have made a scrap bed runner following Gyleens mystery instructions it was such fun. Love the finished result using fabric from my stash!!!!

12. Sherry said...

I love scrap quilts. I love using any of the "old standards", like Shoo Fly, Bow Tie, Dresden Plate, etc. but with a lot of different fabrics.

Thank you for this giveaway.


crazyquiltpatcher AT yahoo DOT com

13. Anonymous said...

I love opportunities to use the many scraps I've accumulated over the years. I enjoyed making a Chinese Coins quilt, but was most challenged by this year's Bricks, Cobblestones, and Pebbles mystery. Used up a lot of scraps in the process.

email: barbrown719@verizon.net

14. Lidwina said...

I just finished "Winding Road", love the pattern - anything goes as far as fabric, so far it is my favourite scrap pattern.

15. Dru said...

I haven't made a truly scrappy quilt yet. One of these books just might help me remedy that situation. Thanks for the giveaway!

16. Debbie in Texas said...

I shared this post to Quiltin Kousins on face book and to my facebook page
I really don't have a favorite scrappy pattern
the last scrappy quilt I finished was Gyleen's
but, I do love to make scrappy log cabin quilts
take care, Debbie debbiealleytx @ yahoo.com

17. carol said...

I like scrappy log cabin quilts. I have been saving lots of scraps and getting close to making a log cabin quilt.

18. Limbania said...

Thanks far the chance to win! Love scrappy quilts, any pattern looks great with lots of fabrics.

Shared the link to this post in my FB page and Crazy Quilting Gals FB group. :)

19. Barbara on the Eastern Shore said...

I like n scrap pattern.
Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

20. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

My favorite scrap pattern is the Pennsylvania block...or that is what Mary Jane told me it was. It was the last quilt she made and the gals in PA did a block swap. I love that pattern.

It would be fun to learn some new tips and tricks for making either of those projects. I've never made a pineapple quilt before.


21. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

Just edited my post to add your giveaway. Hope it brings more folks by to visit your wonderful blog.


22. Connie said...

so many to choose from, but the first one that comes to mind is a disappearing 9 patch.

23. Jules said...

I've done scrap quilts from a few writers and the one I've loved best has been Gyleen's Mystery 2016. I can hear her in our instructions and I love that! Plus great pattern and now I'm having fun quilting it.

24. MagicQuilter said...

Between Gyleen and Bonnie Hunter, I've really gotten into scrap quilting. Can't wait to read about how to make the best color choices!


25. patricia said...

Any scrap quilt makes me happy but I am partial to Ohio Stars.

26. Barbara Black said...

Log cabins are my favorite, in any style.

27. quiltnvan said...

Scrappy triangular log cabin in flannel. COZY! Thanks for doing a Gyleen giveaway! lvankeuren1@yahoo.com

28. Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
29. Bonnie58 said...

Great giveaway. I love Bonnie Hunters scrap quilts. She's amazing, but this looks like a great book to try as well. And I have always wanted to do a pineapple crazy quilt. Too many to choose, too little time!! Thanks so much for sharing

30. Kathy E. said...

Scrappy quilts are my favorites! One of the scrappy quilt patterns that I like the best is one on my list to make. It's called The Stacks Quilt Pattern on Etsy. It reminds me of tall, tall stacks of books. As a teacher, books are a serious part of my life!

31. Anonymous said...

I would love to know how to use all my scraps. I have oodles of triangles, squares and rectangles that are a stash all their own. I use them to design my own quilts. My grandchildren are each getting one for Christmas and now I am working on a wedding gift, a play on lights and darks. They have been labors of love and so much fun seeing them evolve.

32. Anonymous said...

I would love to know how to use all my scraps. I have oodles of triangles, squares and rectangles that are a stash all their own. I use them to design my own quilts. My grandchildren are each getting one for Christmas and now I am working on a wedding gift, a play on lights and darks. They have been labors of love and so much fun seeing them evolve.

33. Unknown said...

I love sewing scraps together, then squaring them up to make a block and making a bunch and putting them together to make a quilt. Gyleen has been to me guild so I would love to take her class.

34. QuiltShopGal said...

What a wonderful giveaway. I bought the Pineapple ruler/book ages ago, but have not yet used it. This class would certainly get me going. And, I've never met a scrap quilt pattern I didn't like. Sorry, as I can't think of a favorite scrap quilt pattern. Certainly the Pineapple quilt, log cabin and Bonnie Hunter's designs are all great scrap quilt designs, but I also think many designs, in general, will work for scrap quilts too.


35. Sewing Sue said...

My favorite scrap block is the classic string block. Anyone can do them, they're easy, fast, look cute when made small and just as nice when made bigger and there's any number of settings. thanks for the giveaway opportunity.

36. Batiklvr said...

I love Snails trail/Indian puzzle in lots of colors, Thanks for the giveaway.

37. Applikeeb said...

I had a great time making Bricks, Cobblestones and Pebbles and I look forward to making many more different scrap quilts.

38. Maxine said...

My favorite scrap quilt is the traditional log cabin. I would love to know how to make the pineapple quilt. My e-mail is bebemallard@sbcglobal.net.

39. Betsy said...

I have done two quilt alongside on Facebook with Gykeen. Her last pattern with cobblestones is complete just waitin to be quilted. The first one I made is quilted and happily displayed. Her instructions are always clear and I love the weekly post of I structiobd

40. barbara woods said...

Would love to win.

41. GranChris said...

I just saw this. I make string quilts, ie Kite quilts. Love these, they are always wonderful. Jmikebalou(at) aol dot com

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