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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Handknit With Love

A longtime friend just entered into hospice care this week.  Although we are close at heart, we are not close in miles, so I can't be there to help her and her family.  I'm one who needs to DO something and I had already made and given her a quilt a couple of years ago, so I went to work on knitting her a pair of cozy slipper socks.  Very little in the grand scheme of things, but it brightened her day when they arrived in the mail and I know she will be reminded of how much I love her when she wears them.

The pattern is Chunky Knit Slipper Socks and the awesome printable wrapper is from Cobberson & Co.


1. Needled Mom said...

Those look so comfortable and are so pretty too. I'm sure she will feel the love,

Those are awesome bands too.

2. Quiltdivajulie said...

What a perfect long distance hug for your friend.

3. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

What beautiful socks! Love is all we have and I applaud you for continuing to share the love.


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