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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015


I was stitching with some friends the other day.  Yes, I felt the poke, but didn't bother to look.  I should have, because it drew blood.  Yes, I bled on the white quilt. $#!@  I've always heard it told to spit on a blood stain.  I couldn't bring myself to try that.  My first thought was to use cold water, but one friend said it might just cause the spot to run.  Good point.  Another friend then said to use peroxide.  I've used peroxide on stains before, but it can bleach out colors, so you have to use it carefully.  Considering the fabric is white, I gave it a try.  Just a little dab took the stain out like magic.  I rinsed the spot well with cold water.  Now that the spot is dry, it's impossible to tell where the blood was.


1. NeverBored said...

I've heard of the quilter's solution to spit on a blood spot before. As a former Med Tech, I know that blood is a saline solution and that's why spit is more effective than plain water; so instead of spit, I take a salt shaker to the spot, and then cold water spot rinse the area. It's worked for me. (also worked on white uniforms that became blood stained on the job.)

2. Gypsy Quilter said...

Yeah, all fixed!

3. evelyn said...

Good save! I can almost feel your relief.

4. Needled Mom said...

I've always used the spit without a problem, but I've heard it only works if you use your own spit on your own blood. I like the peroxide idea better.

5. Mimi said...

hairspray works great, too.

6. Gene Black said...

All the nurses I have worked with swear by peroxide for blood stains - and they get them on uniforms all the time so they should know.

7. Sewing Sue said...

Ouch! Or maybe not since you didn't feel it... I've done the salt water and the spit but like others said, you do have to be careful with the peroxide. It's good to know the fixes because we KNOW the booboos happen. :-)

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