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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Looking For Books In All The Wrong Places

My husband came home all upset Saturday afternoon because he had broken the power take off on the tractor while cutting some brush.  He made a couple of calls and found our local Tractor Supply Co. had the needed part, so he asked if I wanted to ride along to the store with him.  We walked into the store and hubby started back to the parts counter and I wandered past the chicken feed and muck boots and found a big display of books!  Not just any books, but quilting and knitting books for just $5 each!  Who would have ever guessed that Tractor Supply Co. had quilting and knitting books?  Yes, both of us left the store happy...hubby had his tractor parts and I got two new books!  Satisfaction guaranteed indeed!


1. Miz Karen said...

We have a "general" store in a neighboring town that sells seed, feed, homemade candies, hoop cheese and quilt fabric and patterns. Patrick's in Covington GA. I love going there.

2. Needled Mom said...

Hmmmm....who would have thought!!!!

3. Janet said...

What a great score, you were in the right place at the right time.

4. Jean said...

I had no idea. Maybe I should stop at the one here in our town.

5. Barb said...


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