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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, May 23, 2014


Last Friday I asked if this little quilt needed borders or not and it was almost a 50-50 split between adding borders or going borderless.  In the end I decided to go with my gut, which was telling me that this quilt didn't really need borders.  I quilted it with a tiny meander and added a solid white binding which is just enough to stop the action and frame the quilt.  I love how it turned out and what's even better is that I used all most of my 30's reproduction fabric scraps! (Just how small is too small of a fabric scrap to keep or use?)


1. Jean(ie) said...

It's perfect!!!!!

2. Terry said...

It's beautiful, and I love it borderless! :0)

3. Quiltdivajulie said...

I love it, too!

4. RedSetter said...

That quilt is absolutely delightful. The colours are fabulous and the tiny edging looks great and doesn't distract.

5. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

I like it without the borders too....always the best to listen to yourself no matter what.

How small is too small? From experience, it depends on the stitcher...I have laughed my bum off seeing what people save (tiny itty bitty bits). If it will make a 1/2 inch hexagon, I save it....if not...it is put in a bag that is taken to the guild for our free table.


6. Jean said...

This quilt is perfect just like it is! Love it!

7. Angie said...

It's lovely without borders, and you inspired me to dig out some of leftover pinwheels blocks from another project and make a baby quilt with them. I love yours!

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