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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Back In The Sewing Room

I'm back in the sewing room briefly today to label a pile of new clothes for my mother-in-law.  Alzheimer's is taking its toll and she seems to be in a steady decline.  Because of that decline, we made the decision to move her to a nursing home closer to our home, so that we can visit more frequently.  As I was getting her settled into her new room I realized that she was missing quite a few outfits.  Rather than trying to track down the missing clothes I thought it would probably be easier to just buy new. (Besides, she was due for some new clothes anyway.)  These will all need to be labeled with her name, so they don't get lost in the laundry.  The easiest way to do that is to print out labels on fusible fabric sheets, cut them apart, and iron them into the inside of the clothes.


1. Jean said...

I'm sure she will be happy to have you close by.

2. Quiltdivajulie said...

We had to do the same . . . including her quilt (which was also laundered by the staff). Glad you won't have to spend quite as much time driving.

3. Needled Mom said...

It will be nice to have her closer as she continues to decline.

Keeping track of clothing in a facility is always a nightmare. The labels will definitely make it easier.

4. andsewon said...

We had to do the same for my MIL. Close by is good. We were lucky to have MIL in town.

5. ~Laurie~ said...

Good idea about labeling the clothing - things seem to get lost very easily in homes - even glasses! I'm glad she is closer to you during this time.

6. evelyn said...

Good idea, having my mo close by was the best decision I made. Bless you.

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