About Me

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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Project Linus

One of the benefits of being the Outreach Chairperson for the Mountain Laurel Quilt Guild is that I get to collect all of the beautiful quilts that are donated to Project Linus by our guild members.  Before I deliver the quilts to our local Project Linus Coordinator, it's my job to check the quilts over for any stray pins or loose threads and attach a Project Linus label to each quilt.  It's one thing to make a quilt to donate, but what a pleasure it is to get a chance to look over each donated quilt and see the tender loving care that has been stitched into each one!


1. Barb said...

What a fun job....you get to see all the wonderful quilts that come through.

2. Jean(ie) said...

That IS a fun job! Hope you're having fun... There's still time to join us for Saturday's class...LOL!

3. Quiltdivajulie said...

Indeed ... what a wonderful thing to see them gathered as group before they head off to their new homes.

4. Janet said...

How inspiring, thanks for sharing them. I'm sure they bring comfort.

5. Joanne Lendaro said...

Isn't it fun? I do Quilts for Kids and love working with them. The fabric colors are always so bright and cheery. And knowing that it's going to a kid just warms my heart.

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