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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Watercolor Fabric

The grandgirls and I tried a little fabric dyeing experiment last week.  We mixed a bit of regular fabric paint into a cup of water and then painted it onto wet fabric with sponge brushes.  As you can see, we ended up with some very pretty pink and purple pastel fabrics!


1. Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

Wonderful creations! I especially like the one on the right end :)

2. Barb said...

How fun to have some gals to play with.!!!

3. Needled Mom said...

How fun!!!! I am sure they will love using it too.

4. Jean said...

What will you make with it now!

5. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

What a fun thing to do with the grandchildren!

6. evelyn said...

Oh what fun. Adorable creations. I painted Winnie the Poohs pal Tigger on a t-shirt once. Forgot to "set" the paint. After I washed it, he was "jumping", or at least, that is how I explained the runs. LOL I haven[t used fabric paint since.

7. Cheryl said...

Susan , it is so good that the girls have such an interest in painting fabric,I can't wait to see what they make out of them now.

8. Betsy said...

what a wonderful idea Susan.

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