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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Raffle Quilt

A few of my quilty friends and I have spent our last few chairty quilting days working on this raffle quilt for the Northern Tier Children's Home.  We used flannel scraps that were donated to our group and as you can see by the photo of the back...it took nearly every scrap to finish this double sized quilt!  I think it turned out beautifully though and I hope that this cozy quilt will bring NTCH a lot of money!

My quilty friend, Anya, gets credit for the quilting on this quilt and she also gets photography credits because someone forgot to bring her camera with her to charity quilting!


1. Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

It's a beautiful quilt! Good luck with the fundraiser.

2. Janet said...

It's a lovely cosy quilt and I love the back too. Good luck from me too.

3. Needled Mom said...

Beautiful! It will make such a wonderful raffle quilt.

4. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

Lovely quilt and I hope they get a lot of money from it too. Love their thrift store here, Mom and I go every week and get lots of good things.

5. Julia said...

that is a gorgeous quilt! I'm sure it will bring in lots of $$$

6. Unknown said...

That is a lovely quilt and I love when the same fabric is used on the back Great job.

7. Anonymous said...

Beautiful. I love both the front and the back.

8. LYNN G. said...

This is a beauty.

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