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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Confusion Acknowledged

I'm not quite sure what happened with July's Priority: Alzheimer's donation quilt.  One thing led to another and it finished quite differently than what I had originally planned.  It's more of a confused mess of color than the pretty little quilt that I originally envisioned. At one point during its construction I was so unhappy with it that I was going to throw it away.  It was then that it occurred to me that it was the perfect Priority: Alzheimer's quilt.  We don't cast aside our loved ones just because of an Alzheimer's diagnosis...we acknowledge the confusion and forge ahead the best we can.  Which is exactly what I did with this quilt.


1. Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

It's a wonderful little quilt made for a great organization.

2. Terry said...

It's a beautiful little quilt! :0)

3. Barb said...

It is good that you are going to forge ahead with it.

4. Jean said...

It is a bright and pretty little quilt. Great job!

5. Lori said...

Its perfect!

6. Needled Mom said...

It really is perfect for the organization.

7. Quiltdivajulie said...

Well said ... and it couldn't be more true.

Good for you for finishing.

8. Barb said...

Yep, good choice to finish your little quilt, and your explanation is quite accurate...we would not toss someone to the side when dealing with a dreadful illness ~~ at least I hope and pray that we would not! Your thoughts speak so well to the cause and the quilt!

9. evelyn said...

I am glad you decided to finish the quilt. You spoke true words of wisdom with regards to this horrible disease.

10. Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

I love what you said about not casting aside our loved ones with this diagnosis. There was a letter in our local newspaper recently where the writer was complaining about a neighborhood nursing home wanting to expand their facility to include an Alzheimer care unit. The write was having a fit because she didn't want 'that kind of people in her neighborhood.' So insensitive and unbelievable.

11. Rene' said...

Very well said, and a beautiful little quilt!

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