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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Therapy Continues

Lately it has felt like our family was being sucked into a black hole by Alzheimer's disease, but the past few days have been a little brighter.  My mother-in-law spent two weeks at the hospital in a geriatric behavioral health unit and did very well with the medication adjustments and specialized program that they offered.  During that time it became evident to us that my mother-in-law needed to be in a facility that had a better understanding of Alzheimer's disease than the nursing home where she has been staying.  Fortunately, we found a nursing home with a dedicated staff and program geared especially for Alzheimer's patients a little over an hour from our home.  The nurses assure us that she is adjusting to the move better than we are!  It's difficult getting used to the idea that we aren't able visit as often, but it's also reassuring to know that she is safe and happy in her new home.  I know we will eventually adjust to the new routine, but in the mean time I guess I will just have to continue with my therapy and make a few more Priority: Alzheimer's Quilts.      


1. Marina Louw said...

You & your family are in my thoughts and prayers, be assured that your mother in law is in the best place she could be with people who understand the disease.

2. Janet said...

It sounds like things are settling down with your MIL, it's good to know she's in a better place. I'm liking the look of a bit of happy for the cause.

3. Joanne Lendaro said...

Hope it all works out and you can get your MIL in a safe, caring place. Love the block, but it really does seem to represent the black hole that Alzheimer's is....hugs.

4. Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

Moving your MIL into the new nursing home sounds like a wonderful thing. At least now she is where they understand the disease. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
The piece you are working on is beautiful!

5. Diane said...

the bright fabrics would help cheer me up for sure. I'm glad your mom-in-law is in a better environment. It is so true that the adjustments we, the family, have to make are sometimes the bigger hurdles; the sadness, guilt etc just like to keep popping up even after you think you've dealt with it-closure my butt. As the younger ones would say, "It just sucks."

6. stitchinpenny said...

I am so glad she is adjusting well. The move seems to have come at the right time in the progression of her Alzheimer's. I know it is very hard on you, but the visits will mean so much more when you do get to see her.

7. Barb said...

Oh....I know how hard that must be...hang in there.

8. Lori said...

It is good therapy! I love what you are working on. (((((Hugs)))))))

9. evelyn said...

You are doing your best sweetie, so don't beat yourself up. NO guilt. This disese is what it is, and you cannot change that. What you have done is helped MIL with a meds adjustment, and a new home that meets HER needs. Alz is a world where feelings are everything. MIL must feel safe and secure to be adjusting. Give yourself a big pat on the back for a caring job well done. YOU are a wonderful caregiver advocate. HUGS.

10. ktquilts said...

Praying, still. Let us know when your quilts come up for sale. I want one!

11. Gypsy Quilter said...

I am so glad to hear that things are going better. It's such a helpless feeling waiting and worrying on their behalf. Thankfully, there are care centers dedicated to those affected by this disease. And medication. Love the new little quilt.

12. Needled Mom said...

I am so glad that you have managed to find a place for her that will be able to meet her needs. It is never easy.

Your black hole is so appropriate and lovely.

13. Quiltdivajulie said...

I'm so very glad to hear that the move has taken place and she's adjusting well (you'll get there, just remember you're making your own journey in tandem with her's).

HUGS and continued prayers!

14. Rene' said...

I am happy to hear that your mother-in-law is in a facility better suited to her needs. Even though it is further away from you, I am sure your family is comforted to know she is in good hands. I am glad that you find therapy in your quilting....your latest sneak peek is fabulous with the bright colors!

15. Michele Bilyeu said...

Susan, it's all hard, just take it one step at a time, one day at a time. It's the only way to get through it all and keep your reserves sustained. We are in the 6th year of caring for my mom in her own home with no outside help. There are days, when she is by far the sanest one amongst us and yet we are still grateful to have her with us no matter how hard it is and it's just plain challenging. You can do this, as can your family. One step at a time.

16. Kathy P said...

So sorry Susan - I didn't realize things were that bad. Sounds like this new place will be good for everyone. Love your latest therapy project, and the shrug too! I'm working on a knitted baby sweater too, so we'll have to compare notes next time I see you. Thinking of you... Take care.

17. Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

Praying that it is easier on her than it is on you. You are also in my prayers; it's like leaving a child at the sitter's, isn't it. Try to let go and let God have His way.

18. Barb said...

Please know you are in my thoughts and for sure in my prayers. What a difficult time for all, it seems that we are hearing more and more about this terrible illness. I think it is always hard to make the decisions for another, because your head tells you one thing, but your heart always tugs in a different direction. It sounds like she is receiving the good care she deserves. Prayers for you and yours!

19. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

Oh I'm so sorry to hear about your Mother in Law. I have heard about some great facilities that take good care of folks and are very patient with their changing abilities. I love the bright batiks you have used in that piece in your post....they just grab my eyes...yummy.


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