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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Back To School Knitting

I had hoped to have Miss One's shrug all finished before the first day of school, but I still have a lot of ribbing left to do and with school starting on Wednesday, it's just not enough time for me to get it done.  I guess I thought that I could knit a size 10 just as quickly as I did the size 4.  (Why in the world would I think such a thing?)  Thankfully the weatherman is calling for temperatures in the 80's this week, so it's going to be too warm to wear a sweater anyway.  I'm not sure what the forecast is for next week, but I will surely have it finished before the first frosty morning!


1. Anonymous said...

Oh, I love the colors! It's going to look great on her!

2. Jackie's Stitches said...

I'm anxious to see this finished because it's knitting up so beautifully!

3. Janet said...

Saved by the weather, lol. It's a lovely wool and will be sure to get lots of use.

4. Needled Mom said...

It looks beautiful and will be ready when the chilly days set in.

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