
Friday, March 25, 2011

The Ugly Duckling

I don't know that this ugly duckling of a quilt has turned into a swan, but it is finished and finished is certainly better than being left an orphan at the second hand shop!  There was a lot of fullness in this quilt top due to all of the different kinds of fabrics used (including knits), so I used a higher loft batting than what I normally use to help compensate and I think it turned out just fine.  There's no doubt in my mind that I'll be able to find someone who will love this quilt ugly or not!


  1. Sure looks good from here. Someone will give it lots of love I'm sure.

  2. There is no such thing as an ugly quilt. You will definitely find someone to love it. It's so wonderful that you rescued this...every quilt needs a home ;-)

  3. I am sure it will find a good home and it really isn't ugly now that it is all quilted together.

  4. I agree with Rene, there is no such thing as an ugly quilt. They are all comfy and warm and great to cuddle under.

  5. I bet it has it's own quirky charms and someone will really appreciate it.

  6. I don't think it's so ugly! And it's a great tip to use a higher loft batting when there are smoothness issues with the quilt, thanks.


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