
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Keep Calm & Sew On

Northeastern Pennsylvania has been hit with yet another snowstorm.  10 inches of snow fell with this storm, covering all of the signs of spring that have been slowly appearing over the past few days.  The one good thing about snowstorms this late in March is that the snow never lasts long, so I will just keep calm and sew on while I wait for the sun and spring to return.


  1. I am so ready for summer and we don't have the snow!!!!

  2. We had tornado warnings last night, with a sighting six miles from our house!! Even Spring has a down side, but I am too tired of snow for words. I'll be praying for a quick melt for you!

  3. Oh my word!! The weather has been so nice here in the south, but having been in W VA last week, I know it's still pretty cold in the north.

  4. We were expecting snow here in New England but just got a dustin' We call your spring snow "poor mans fertilizer" Everything aside it is still so pretty!
    ♥ Eileen

  5. We got 10 inches in Ontario also our weather man has coined a new season "Sprinter " LOL

  6. Unbelievable! The folks just up the road from us were hit with tornadoes last night! It was headed directly toward us and changed it's path right at the last minute. There were no major injuries or deaths, but several homes were destroyed.
    I know you are ready for this snow stuff to be over!!!! I know my girls are!

  7. I don't know if Mother Nature is waiting for us to wave white flags in surrender, but....I sure hope she gives up on this winter stuff soon!

  8. Oh My word!!! Well... I saw the weather report last night and said yep ,They are getting hit agian !!I bet Susan is having a fit ! But was not expecting this much ! Wow !! Hope it is the last of this .

  9. My Mom said it was bad there. I guess so.


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