
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Totally Awesome!

The sales have all been totaled and it's official, the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative sold 1,141 Priority: Alzheimer’s Quilts during International Quilt Festival in Houston, TX, raising $62,000 for Alzheimer's research during the four and a half day quilt show.  Yes, that was one thousand one hundred forty-one little quilts that sold for a total of sixty-two THOUSAND dollars...record sales for the AAQI at the Houston show!  Those are some totally awesome totals!


  1. I would also imagine those numbers represent the amount of people now aware and/or are affected by the disease through a relative. It's nice to know quilters can achieve big things in a small way. Congratulations goes to you also for helping with this project.

  2. I think that is wonderful...and wonderful that you have helped to raise some of that money too!


  3. Incredible effort by everyone involved!!!


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