
Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Maybe the stress of a looming deadline can spark a little creativity. Once I took the plunge and made that first cut, the pieces started going together and surprisingly what I have done, so far, doesn't look too bad!  Stay tuned...if I can stay on task I should have a finished quilt (or two) to show soon! 


  1. I always find the first cut the hardest to make. I can't wait to see your progress! :0)

  2. I see we both have the same thing on our minds....

  3. Isn't it funny to learn what sparks our creativity and motivation? I can't wait to see what you did... I think this is going to be good!

  4. Can't wait to what to see what the spark has ignited.

  5. Consider yourself cheered on! I really don't do well with deadlines myself.


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