
Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hand Print Snowmen

Look at these hand print snowman ornaments made by my very talented daughter-in-law and grandson!  Grandparents and a few other lucky recipients all received one of these special ornaments to hang on their tree this year.  What wonderful keepsakes they are!  The tutorial can be found at Mom's Crafty Space.


  1. My kids made those in elementary school! I have one from each of them on my tree! :0)

  2. Those are adorable and such wonderful keepsakes.

  3. What a treasure!!! I love the idea.

  4. oh, how sweet! That's one of those thing you'll pull out and "remember when..."

  5. How clever, what a fantastic keepsake. Do you know what sort of paint was used?

  6. I love the ornaments! What a wonderful keepsake. Merry Christmas!


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