
Monday, December 19, 2011

The Big Reveal

I missed out on the big challenge quilt reveal for my Out-of-Line Quilter's group because I've had the dreaded "Just Before Christmas" bronchitis, but Anya was kind enough to share a photo of all the quilts with me so I could see what my quilty friends made with their challenge fabrics.  I think everyone met the challenge beautifully...these are some truly amazing quilts!  Visit our group blog, Random Acts of Stitching, if you would like to read more about these wonderful quilts.  


  1. They all look great-going to go check out the other blog now.
    I got a nice pre-Christmas cold and am now hacking like a loon (is that even possible?)but you know what I mean!
    Here's to us both being all better real soon-like tomorrow!! :)

  2. Ohh my, not bronchitis. Ugh! Have you heard the one about fresh squeezed orange juice helps boost your immune system. Along with plenty of hot water, lemon juice and honey mixed in a mug. The quilts are wonderful, but I sure hope you feel better soon!

  3. I hope you're fully recovered by now. I think the quilts are marvelous, I'll go check the link out.


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