
Monday, November 21, 2011

A Finished Quilt

It seems like forever since I have had a finished quilt to show, but this Jelly Roll Quilt was just so much fun to work on that I couldn't stop until it was all done!  Now I really need to get back to work on the stack of Christmas projects that I have waiting to be finished.


  1. I hear my vintage sheet stash calling to me!!! Great finish!! Love the addition of the pink border. It is just the right touch!

  2. The finished quilt is so lovely! I love the addition of the bright border and the binding color choice!

  3. turned out beautifully. Here's to Christmas projects!!

  4. Lovely ... (do you like the Light Box feature? -- if not, let me know!)

    Congratulations on your finish and good luck with the to-do list!!

  5. Congratulations on the beautiful finish. Happy holidays.


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