
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A New Fabric Designer?

My oldest granddaughter was here visiting the other day and while she was here she spent some time doodling with markers.  As she was working I commented that her design would make a pretty fabric.  It was then that the lightbulb went on and I ran to my sewing room for a sheet of printable fabric.  Within minutes I had printed a priceless piece of one of a kind fabric!  I may be biased, but I think Miss One could make a career as a fabric designer! 


  1. ooh, now I like that!

    She has a good sense of color an design! That talent needs to be nurtured.

  2. That's pretty! What a great idea! :0)

  3. You could order a yard or so of that fabric from and make her a pillowcase with her very own design! How awesome!

  4. Very cool!!! Can't wait to see how you use this gorgeous designer fabric!

  5. What a great idea. I have a very artistic granddaughter and this would be a fun project. Thanks for the suggestion.

  6. I can see that as a T-shirt also. Wonderful!

  7. Yes! As Quiltdivajulie said....get some of that from Spoonflower! It'd be worth every penny!

  8. Miss One said she would LOVE a pillowcase out of it! ;)
    Maegan and Miss One

  9. I second the spoonflower idea. Order enough to make her a bag or garment out of it so she can tell people she designed the fabric. She really is talented!

  10. You may be right! she seems to have Gramma's eye for color.

  11. Oh yes, indeed she could be!! You need to follow quiltdivajulie's advice!!
    Gmama Jane

  12. She is a very talented young lady !! I am glad you printed it on cloth.That is a great idea for a pillow case or tote bag too.She would be proud to show it off.
    I need to see if one of my grand daughters can come up with a pretty design.Children are amazing!

  13. I wish I had that nifty light last night when I was stitching a binding on a table runner!!!! Thanks for the chance to win.

  14. Looks like an Alzheimer's quilt to me!


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