
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Minis From Scraps And Strings

Just look at all of the Mini Amish Bars quilts that Brenda of Scraps and Strings has made as gifts for a group of ladies from Iran who are visiting her hometown.  Believe it or not, this is just a small sampling of the minis that Brenda has made!  To see the rest of Brenda's Mini Amish Bars quilts, click over to her blog, Scraps and Strings.  While you are there, be sure to take note of her Modern Amish Bars's awesome!

My Mini Amish Bars Quilt Pattern can be found HERE.


  1. thanks for the shout out -- I made 9 from your pattern, and two of my friends each made one.

  2. How sweet to see all the lovely little quitls!!

  3. I had printed and saved your pattern to use for making Christmas gifts for a number of people. Thank you SO much for sharing your mini-version with us.

    And I LOVE Brenda's quilts!


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