
Monday, April 18, 2011

I Spy!

Someone donated a box of scraps to the MLQG's charity group containing quite a few different cartoon prints...perfect for a Project Linus quilt!  I cut the scraps into 6" squares at our last charity sewing day and then I spent the rainy weekend sewing them together.  This morning I laid the finished top out on the floor, so I could take a quick photo.  What started as a short photo session turned into a half hour long game of I Spy with my two youngest granddaughters!  This quilt definitely gets two thumbs up from Miss Three and Miss Four and even though it is the most basic design, it's very apparent that it is going to make a young child very happy!


  1. You ae right, it is going to make a young person very happy!

  2. You know it's good when it gets the thumbs up from Miss three and four! Perfect and fun too!

  3. It will be well loved and that is what it is all about.

  4. It's going to be so loved by a special person, great job!

  5. Great picture, Susan! You captured a lot of excitement with those hands.

  6. I never met an I Spy quilt a child didn't love! I make a lot of them just because kids love them so much. Adorable photo.


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