
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Call Me Crazy

I haven't been happy with the backing that I chose for my "Dear Jane" quilt ever since I sandwiched the quilt together.  Even though the fabric matches the top perfectly, I think it's just too dark in comparison to the front of the quilt.  I told myself that it really didn't matter what was on the back. After all, it's just the back.  I started hand quilting a few blocks with the thought that the backing fabric would grow on me, but after quilting six blocks the dark fabric was still bothering me.  Yesterday I made the decision to rip out the quilting and replace the dark backing fabric with something that I could truly be happy with.  Yes, it means a little extra work and some lost time, but I know I will be much happier with the quilt after it's all finished...if I ever get it finished!


  1. Putting that much work into the top of the quilt....yes..the backing does I am glad that you are happy now....even if you had to rip out.

  2. Sometimes a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do! ;0)
    Go for it! Your quilt will be lovely!!

  3. I'm with you. I'd rather rip it out and be happy with the whole quilt. It is going to be beautiful.

  4. That's a quilt you would like to love everything about! It's worth it in the end to change it.

  5. Just admit it, you want an excuse to be part of the Laurel Janes for a lifetime!

  6. Congratulations on completing your Dear Jane! I agree with you on changing your backing to a lighter one before continuing - you'll be glad you did once the final stitch is quilted!

  7. You have to go with your instincts or you'd always regret it.

  8. I applaud your efforts to make the quilt your way, even if it includes more work in the'll be much happier with the finished product and will have no regrets!

  9. I wouldn't call you crazy at all! Why keep going when you know you won't be happy with it. Better to go backwards a little bit timewise than to wish you'd done something different every time you look at it.

  10. Girl you are not crazy...well not for taking off a back you don't like...perhaps other things though!!!

    I'm with ya...if you don't like it...get rid of it so you will enjoy seeing it.


  11. you are NOT crazy ... the back DOES matter.

    I'm VERY glad you listened to your heart on this!


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