
Monday, March 7, 2011


I woke up this morning hoping that the 14 inches of snow on the ground was just a nightmare, but unfortunately it really happened.  I think I may just go back to bed and dream of the day when I will actually need to turn on the air-conditioner and my rose bush will have green leaves and beautiful pink blooms!


  1. Hope springs eternal . . the forsythia are starting to bloom here.

  2. Oh no!! Hang in there, Spring is on it's way :-)

  3. Oh no! You poor thing! It's been a brutal winter for most of the country and even here it was much colder than normal. I hope Spring visits you soon!

  4. This seems to be the winter that never ends! I say we all hibernate until it gets nice out again! LOL

  5. Oh my! I know you are getting ready for this winter to be OVER! Move to the SE! It's been pretty rainy, but it's been fairly warm and we have bunches of stuff blooming.

  6. I can't say I am sorry the snow skipped my part of the country this year (we paid our dues last winter). It's pretty and exciting once but enough is enough!

  7. Oh NO!!!!! I'd go back to bed too.

  8. Yeah, me too! I normally love snow, but my oh my, this was just over the top! We have used all of our snow days...if we close school another day, it means we borrow from the summer! By the way I love your socks on your previous that makes a person think summer :>)!!

  9. I am so sorry! I wish it was a dream.

  10. I had to smile when I read about the AC, because here in south Louisiana, I had mine on last week. Such a difference in temps!!

  11. It must be hard to imagine spring blooming with so much snow, it must be nearly over.


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