
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Knitting With Kool-Aid

Knitting with kool-aid dyed yarn is almost as much fun as dyeing the yarn itself!  I started knitting a pair of Kids Socks with the Lucky Charms yarn that I dyed after Christmas and I can't tell you how much fun it is to watch the pattern develop as I'm knitting!  I love the tiny green and pink stripes with the little flecks of creamy yellow mixed in and Miss Two agrees...she has already laid claim to this pair of socks!


  1. Yikes! Look away, look away! That's what I have to tell myself because I have too many quilting projects I MUST complete and your yarn is too cute! It is sucking me right back into knitting and when I start I cannot stop. I can't believe that is really dyed with Kool Aid. Seriously, pretty colors but I will never drink that stuff again.

  2. I love the colours! The pattern of the yarn is so cute.

  3. don't have to be a kid to lay claim to that yummy stuff! Great going..

  4. I told you that I did not need another needle addiction but I am certainly being tempted. All it will take will be a definate boy color and my four year old grandson will be getting some socks. Better yet for him he would enjoy cammo.


  5. Love those colors.....sometimes it smells good too !

  6. I love the colors ! they are going be some cute socks ! I make hair scrunhies out of yarn now and this color would make a pretty one.

  7. Your Kool AIde dyed yarn is knitting up beautifully!


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