
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Holy Homespuns, Batman!

When Jocelyn of Happy Cottage Quilter sent me an email telling me that I had won a collection of homespun fabrics in her One Day Giveaway, I never expected to receive yards and yards of fabric, but that's exactly what arrived on my doorstep yesterday!  This box is positively overflowing with homespun plaids in all of my favorite colors.  I can hardly wait to put these fabrics together in a quilt, in fact I think I'll start looking for the perfect  pattern for them right now!


  1. You and I were the lucky ones, weren't we? I also got yards and yards of her homespuns. Mine will go into clothing for my grandsons, more than likely! How generous she is!

  2. You are one lucky lady, Susan. They are beautiful!!

  3. I am so glad that you and Julia liked the homespun fabric. I had way too many, and was very glad to share. I'd love to see what develops with these little beauties :-)

  4. Yes! you sure are Lucky !! You & Julia both ! I can't wait to see what you do with it.

  5. Nothing like keeping the energy moving.....I love it. From a closet to a smile on a friends face....and a new creation. Perfect!


  6. Congratulations, Susan.
    If the snowy weather continues, do you have some ideas for putting them to immediate use?

  7. Wow, Susan. Couldn't have happened to a nicer person. I have some homespun (probably not nearly as much as you won) and have been wondering what I could do with it. It is part of my "quilting form my stash" project for this year.

    Hope you will let me know if you come up with any ideas.

    All I could think of was making squares of an equal size but I know there has to be a better way.


  8. Terrific! Can't wait to see what you come up with. You always have such cute ideas.


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