
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cross Another One Off The List

I mentioned that I had a few little projects to take care of before starting any big projects and here is another one that I can cross off my list.  This tote bag is to hold the lil' cowboy's My Little Town play quilt and cars that I gave to him for his birthday.  Now I just have to decide if I should mail it or make another road trip and deliver it in person.


  1. OH Yeah!! Road TRIP. Who would not want to hand deliver that to the deserving kid who gets it. Have fun delivering it. Oh and it looks and came out great. I may make one for my grandson. Do you mind??

  2. Those are super cute, I love the mix of fabrics. Very fun. I am just in the process of sorting out and doing my unfinished items as well. It's an eye opener to take a good long look at all those little projects. Good luck finishing yours!

  3. awww how cute! And don't you think he would enjoy it more if your presented it in person. I know my little great nieces and nephews seem to acknowledge my gifties when I give it to them in person.

  4. Love the bag! I am like the pthers I think you should wait and give it to him in person . I love to see everyone's expression when they get something that was handmade.It just warms the heart !

  5. Your fabric choice worked out great! Love it! And I'm sure your little cowboy will too!

  6. Absolutely adorable! I sent a quilt item via priority mail once, and it never I'd say to deliver it in person if at all possible!


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