
Monday, November 29, 2010

Christmas Cover-up

Holiday time sure does make craft related blogging difficult!  Even though my sewing machine was humming along all weekend, I can't post about it because I was working on a gift.  It is also difficult to work on gifts with family coming and going, so have been using this Christmas "cheater" quilt that I made last year to keep a few special projects out of plain adds a festive touch to my sewing room too!


  1. Hey!!! I noticed that laying on your machine.... *raises eyebrow* :) Sneaky, sneaky!

  2. I hear you....wonderful looking quilt

  3. Toooooo funny, all sewers/quilters understand the "cover-up" that needs to happen close to the holidays...but I like your cover-up too ;>)! Have a great week!

  4. There are a lot of secrets that have to be kept at this time of year. The quilt under the machine looks lovely and will help you keep in the Christmas spirit.


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