
Friday, October 8, 2010

Getting Ready For Winter

It seems like there is always so much to be done this time of year to get ready for winter and this year is no exception. We have been working at putting a new roof on our house, plus I've been doing a bit of fall house cleaning and now that the sun has returned there are flower beds that need tending and leaves that need to be raked. Don't worry though, even with all that have to be done, I am still finding some time to do some things that I want to get basting my Dear Jane, so it will be all ready for me to quilt once my chores are finished!


  1. I know there is alot to do and finding time to do what you want to do is sometimes hard.....

    Although, I consider DEAR JANE hard....I admire anyone who makes one of those quilts.

  2. Oh you will love the is so beautiful there in winter....and hand quilting...sounds very cozy.


  3. Each season seems to bring it's own set of chores to be performed. It's hard sometimes to find the time to do the things we love.

  4. Sweet! Getting a few more hand stitches in my DJ over the winter is on my list too!

  5. I admire those who hand quilt....I haven't the patience. :-) I just posted an applique basket quilt you may want to see....I see a basket poking out of this photo is why I say this. LOL


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