
Monday, October 11, 2010

A Bit Of Backstitch

As much as I would like to be an embroiderer, I just am not, but sometimes a project comes along that I can't resist and I end up having to do a bit of backstitch. It's not the best work, but I think the finished project is going to be so cute that the bad stitches won't matter!


  1. There is absolutely nothing wrong with your stitching!

  2. Your stitches look just fine to me! :0)

  3. Sometimes it's the un-even-ness of the stitches that makes the piece. (at least that's what I keep telling myself!) Cant' wait to see the finished project.

  4. It looks great to me! But I know how you feel. I like the title of your blog!

  5. As Dory said ... just keep swimming, just keep swimming (with apologies to Finding Nemo)

  6. Your stitches look perfect to me!


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