
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Just What I Needed!

Jackie at Jackie's Stitches held a pattern giveaway not long ago and I was the lucky winner of this great Travel Quilt Roll-Up pattern! With five young grandchildren who are always traveling here and there, this pattern is just what I needed!


  1. Congratulations on your win, and you are right about it being very handy with five young grandchildren. Enjoy sewing them up, you can create quite a variety with bright combos of fabrics! Have fun sewing! Enjoy your day!

  2. How cute! I can hardly wait to see your creations! I've two little shining stars here that would be thrilled with such a tote, so mommy will have to get motivated!

  3. What a cute pattern!! Congratulaions on the win!!

  4. Wonderful! Have fun making them ,I bet the girls would love this !

  5. Yes, Congrats to your win.....I am jealous of the grandkids, I guess that is my comment for most people who have them....

  6. Thats a great pattern for always being prepared Susan.

  7. What a great pattern! I can just imagine that we will see the results for five Christmas presents.

  8. Enjoy! It was an impulse purchase on my part and I'm glad to pass it along to someone who will use it.

  9. That looks like a cute little roll up. Enjoy making it!


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