
Monday, July 19, 2010

A Day Away

Sometimes you need a day away from it all to recharge your batteries and yesterday was just such a day. We got in the jeep early yesterday morning and made our way to Letchworth State Park in Castile, NY. and spent the day enjoying the beautiful waterfalls and magnificent views. It was a great way to spend a hot July day!


  1. Looks like a great place to visit! Glad you could get away for the day! :0)

  2. Love the water fall ,good that you got away , is that a train going by up there ?

  3. Just beautiful! Glad you recharged...

  4. Great pictures, and it looks like it could have actually been a few degrees cooler :>)!! Enjoy your week!

  5. Gorgeous! With that scenery, it must have been a great day!

  6. What a nice place. A bit of the outdoors is lovely for recharging.

  7. Oh, this is on our to-do schedule before the end of the summer. Thanks for the reminder of how beautiful it is.


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