
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Felting Fun!

I found a few extra minutes to finish knitting the felted bowl that I started working on last month. After a quick trip though the washing machine, what originally looked like a stocking hat turned into a great felted bowl! I love how it turned out and my daughter-in-law liked it so much after it was done that she had to make one too. We have both decided that felting is a lot of fun!


  1. Very cute. I bet if you added a bit of stuffing and a top, they'd make a great pin cushion too!

  2. Very cool! What an awesome color too!!

  3. Darling! Even better when the felting is intended result and not your favorite sweater turned into a new Barbie sweater!

  4. Wow! I think felting is so much fun!

  5. I haven't felted anything yet. I did go to a thrift store with a friend of mine in search of 100% wool sweaters to make tea cozies! So many cleaver things to make.

  6. Looks like a lot of fun, I spy some very nice buttons in there.

  7. Very nice. This felting looks like fun; I've seen a lot of nice things.


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