This month begins a new challenge for the members of the Mountain Laurel Quilt Guild...Finish 6. Those who want to participate are asked to make a numbered list of six UFO's. A number will be drawn at the guild meeting and for the next month you are to finish the project with the corresponding number. It's no secret that I am not really a quilter, I am a piecer, so I knew it wouldn't be hard for me to find six quilts that needed to be finished. (Actually, I have enough quilts to do this challenge twice, but I don't want to be that challenged...I'll save those for the next guild UFO challenge!)
My Finish 6 Challenge List
1. Purple Jelly Roll Quilt
2. Tumbler Quilt
3. Thangles Quilt
4. Bonnie Hunter Quilt
5. Calico Blocks Quilt
6. Batik D9P Quilt
That's an interesting challenge. Hmmm....not really sure I want my guild to know about this one ;-) Good luck...great way to get those quilt tops finished though.