
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Quilt Failure

At our last art quilt group meeting we were talking about quilting failures when Madalene made the comment, "If you don't fail once in awhile, you are playing it too safe."  Brilliant words to say the least!  I have had struggles with some of our challenges, but no real failures.  Maybe I have been playing it too safe?  I think Madalene will be proud of me with this challenge, because I have had not one, but two complete quilt failures!  Now I have a whole new challenge because most of my allotted scraps have been cut into teeny tiny bits and I only have a few useable pieces left.  I sure hope I can make Plan C work!


  1. Don't think of them as failures, because you've learned something new each time! They're just happy mistakes!

  2. I'm with Kathy P on that one -- Happy mistakes. Like that!

  3. Oh Dear I do not like the word failure at all!! No No. Happy Mistakes is much better!

  4. Try taking all those scraps and stitching them together crumb style to make a new larger piece of fabric so you can begin again . . . the pressure is off now - time to play with the challenge.

  5. Oh dear!!! It is so nice to be in such good company!

  6. That's what I went through last month -- I'm sure you'll come up with something wonderful. Don't sweat the small stuff!

  7. I've had more than my share of quilt failures; however, I was not making art quilts. I simply finished mine and gave them to someone to use. I felt better and those on the receiving end felt loved. Keep on trying!

  8. I am very proud of you, Susan. I am hoping my "great idea" for this challenge doesn't end in the failure pile.


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