
Friday, February 24, 2012

Balancing Act

Back in October when a few friends and I decided to form an art quilt group I really didn't think about how I would fit it into my already busy schedule, I just knew it was something that I wanted to do!  Then the challenges started and I realized just how much time could be spent planning and making each quilt.  How in the world was I going to manage to do all the things that I have to do along with all of the things that I want to do?  The answer was KISS...which stands for Keep It Simple Stupid!  I do agree that it's good to push our limits every now and then, but simple is good sometimes too especially if it helps keep everything in a harmonious balance!  Would Gail Garber even recognize her free form flying geese technique in this simple little quilt?  I don't know, but I do know that I met the challenge requirements and kept my sanity at the same time, so it's all good!


  1. This is darling. Very cheerful. Love the way you quilted it.

  2. Love it! And the zig-zag echo quilting is the perfect choice!

  3. I prefer smaller projects. You get instant gratification.

    love the geese. Were they easy to do? Did you do it improv? paper pieced?

  4. All is good!!!! I love those little challenges and you did a great job.

  5. Looks like kites flying especially here in Tennessee where the weather has gotten to be very, very windy.

  6. This is a beautiful quilt Susan!!! Good for you for finding a balance with all your activities. I love the fabric colors and your quilting lines.


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