
Thursday, January 26, 2012


Somehow my design wall has become a space for me to display unfinished quilts rather than a place to design quilts.  A couple of weeks ago, when I was cleaning my sewing room, I decided to take everything off the design wall and complete the pieces that were on it.  This pink and brown selvage wall hanging (circa 2010) is the first to be finished!


  1. What is it about a UFO finish that makes it so rewarding?

  2. Well done getting it finished! I've been saving selvages and this would be a great way to use them up! :0)

  3. Beautiful!! Love the color combination :)

  4. very nice-love how you quilt that close grid!

  5. I love pink and browns together. This quilt is wonderful and I love how you quilted it.

  6. Love the tiny cross hatch quilting! How big is the quilt/far apart are the lines?
    Great job!

  7. I'm hoping that I end up doing the same thing with the blocks residing on my design wall. Congrats on your finish!

  8. Beautiful! And it's finished! Love the quilting.

  9. The cross hatch quilting really makes this quilt; I love your work.

  10. this looks GREAT! I am going to have to whip up another one soon too!
    thanks for sharing.
    just beautiful
    love the quilting too.


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