
Friday, January 20, 2012

All Day Long

The more I learn about Alzheimer's, the more I learn that very little about the disease makes sense.  The other day I was chatting with my mother-in-law in her room at the nursing home when a nurse stopped in to ask her if she needed anything...her reply was, "All day long."  We weren't quite sure what she meant by her reply and it honestly didn't make much sense, much like most of her answers to questions these days, but it was good inspiration for this little Priority: Alzheimer's Quilt.


  1. It is a puzzling disease and so difficult to see others walking the path.

  2. I like the simplicity of that quilt. Gosh, that is a puzzling answer... I sure hope that scientists figure out a way to stop or at the very least slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease

  3. What a fabulous little quilt. I get to see my Mum soon, I don't know what stage she's at so I expect to hear some funny things.

  4. Love the quilt.
    Bless you for visiting. So many people don't, and it is yet another loss.
    I love MIL answer.
    I wonder, really, what kind of answer was the nurse expecting?

  5. It is such a terrible disease !!! I do hope that the scientists find a cure for this.
    I was puzzled by the quilt until I read what you wrote ,I also thought her answer was kind of strange until I realize too maybe she did not really hear what the nurse asked her ???

  6. I recently read some research indicating that N-A-C (n-acetyl-cysteine), available in tablet form is reversing Alzheimer's in many patients. I really hope this is true--and that the pharmaceutical company's don't take action to make it unavailable to most people.

  7. A very striking quilt. Love how you chose to quilt it.
    Sorry about your MIL -- it's really hard to watch.

  8. Thank you so much for sharing information about the Alzheimer’s Art Quilt Initiative! I lost my Dad to Alzheimer’s in December of 2010 and have been committed to raising money for research through AAQI since he was diagnosed in 2006. I am a quilter and I love that the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative is a grass roots organization that is totally staffed by volunteers so that every available dollar can be used to fund research. I love your little quilt - I saw your registration come through and am glad to see the quilt before it's officially posted on the site.


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