
Friday, December 2, 2011

Sleeping Bag

Our youngest granddaughter is turning 3 years old this weekend. (Yes, it has really been three years!)  She has asked for an "American Girl" doll just like the ones that her older sisters have.  It will be nice for her to have her own doll so that she can play along with her sisters, but I thought it would be nice for her to have something for her doll that her sisters don't have...a sleeping bag!  I used a tutorial from Peas in a Pod along with some of my vintage sheet collection and had the whole project done in no time at all!  I love how it turned out and there's no doubt in my mind that I will end up making three more for the other dolls in the family!


  1. Cute! And vintage sheets are the perfect choice!

  2. Thanks for the tip and the tutorial lead. We have a "need" for these at our house.


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