
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fade To Black

Fade To Black is my contribution to the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative for the month of October.  With Alzheimer's disease vivid  memories slowly fade to black, just like the colors in this quilt.  It is my hope that the funds from the sale of this quilt, and others like it, will help find a cure so that the memories of all will remain bright and clear!


  1. I like this quilt. It's beautiful! And definitely visualizes the lost memories.

  2. that's a wonderful art quilt. You are outdoing yourself and growing with every one you make.

  3. Beautiful quilt and it says so much for it's little size!

  4. Beautiful quilt Susan. It shows how much you understand and feel the effects of this horrible condition.

  5. It is just a gorgeous quilt for the cause, Susan.

  6. Once agin....I'm lovin your quilt. I just have to figure out how to bid on them so I can get one! I looked last time and didn't see it up for bid..then I learned you had not even sent it in yet....I've got to sharpen my skills :)


  7. It's a wonderful quilt for the cause and such a great name too.


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