
Friday, October 28, 2011

1,500 Quilts To Houston

1500 Priority: Alzheimer's quilts are on their way to the International Quilt Festival in Houston, Texas, and I'm excited to say that several of those quilts were made by me and can a couple of them can even be seen in this video! If you are going to be at the festival please stop by the Exhibit Hall (row T) and check out all of the beautiful quilts at the AAQI booth. Quilt prices range from $20 to $350, so there are quilts for every budget! If you can't make it to Houston you can purchase Priority: Alzheimer's quilts online at Your support is needed and appreciated. All Profits fund Alzheimer's research.


  1. Whoa!!! I'm dizzy now! I think I saw one of yours, but I blinked so I'm not sure...


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