
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I Feel The Earth Move

It's no secret that I don't enjoy Pennsylvania winters and people often tell me that I should move to southern California where it is always sunny and 70 degrees. Now I know why I don't live in California...earthquakes are scarier than cold weather and snow storms! All is well here despite the earthquake and there isn't any damage...unless you count the grip marks that I left in the kitchen counter!


  1. I was so clueless. Hubby felt it. I didn't. All I had as a clue was that a plastic grocery sack "rustled" on it's own.

    Having been in a few tremors, I know how unsettling it feels.

  2. I completely missed it! I had the radio on and the announcer said something about it but I thought he was just joking! LOL

  3. LOL! Oh sorry, that wasn't nice. Being a native and resident Californian I'm enjoying reading the reaction of those on the east coast to something that occurs here on a regular basis. I'll take an earthquake over a tornado any day!!

  4. Glad to read your OK...all is well here in NW North Carolina....waiting for after shocks...


  5. Up here in Southern Ontario, I didn't feel it. Busy with baby granddaughter. My son 10 miles away did!
    Glad you are OK. Keep stitching-it will relieve the stress! LOL

  6. I guess we just have to bloom where we're planted. There's something good AND something bad about every area of the country. However, I agree...earthquakes are scarier than snow storms any day.

  7. Chris from New Zealand said....

    hi while I don't live in the city here ... in New Zealand ...Christchurch...where
    they have had several major quakes since Sept 4 2010 ...and sadly on Feb 22 2011 loss of life,...there has been some 8000 ... aftershocks since (Sept 2010) ...

    We Kiwis who live in what is laughingly called the "Shaky Isles" downunder
    we feel for you .. especially if you are not used to earthquakes as we are here...

    Glad to hear you are all ok ...

    A 5.8 or 5.9 as reported here is sizeable ... Take care ...

    Kind regards

    Chris ... Wellington N.Z.

  8. Thank goodness all is well, they aren't pleasant at all are they Susan. I had heard there had been one over there but didn't put two and two together area wise. I hope you don't get anymore. big hugs

  9. I didn't feel it over here in Northwestern PA although the news reported in Erie and also south of me they did feel it. Must have been working too hard :D


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