
Wednesday, July 27, 2011


It's been a horrible week on the Alzheimer's front here. My mother-in-law's nursing home has decided that her nighttime wandering has become a problem and we need to "do something with her".  I can't even express how frustrated I am with her current nursing home and their lack of understanding, compassion and knowledge towards dementia and Alzheimer's patients!  As you all know, quilting is my therapy and what better therapy for a bad Alzheimer's week than making Priority: Alzheimer's Quilts?  I dumped out a box of batik strips and just started sewing.  I have three tops completed and lots more strips to go...I just hope that things get better before I run out of strips!


  1. ((hugs)) Wish I had the answers for you...keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. I'm so sorry you have this to deal with. The disease is awful enough without the added burden of the stress caused by the places that are suppose to be about caring.
    Saying a prayer for you all.

  3. Please show some of your squares from the photos. I'm intrigued with the little patches you have pinned on point to the bargello-looking block. It really seems to fit what my family is experiencing with Alz. ... pieces that no longer match the puzzle and must be still somehow integrated.

  4. With all of the information available out there you would think the nursing home would be more understanding and helpful. My prayers go out to you and your family.

  5. Oh what a shame! I'm so sorry. It is nice we have our own therapy we can do. Keep on quiltin!

  6. It is such a terrible disease and the situation is so fluid from day to day. I hope that this stage passes quickly for you. Do they have a special wing that deals with Alzheimer? They certainly have their own issues and need a bit more understanding and compassion.

  7. It sounds like the nursing home your mother is currently in is not equipped with a memory care unit or they'd understand her behavior is normal for dementia, and be able to deal with it. I hope there is a memory care home someplace nearby where she could be relocated and receive appropriate care and understanding.

  8. A quote from Mya Angelou-"People will forget what you say, they will forget what you do, BUT they will never forget how you make them FEEL ". This should be posted on every door of the nursing home. It should be posted where all the staff have to see it every day. Living in the world of Alz is living in the land of feelings.
    Wishing you strength.

  9. When I worked for the local hospital sometimes Alzheimer patients would wander off, but we managed to get them back to where they belonged. More facilities and better trained personnel are definitely needed in this field to help our aging population. I hope your mom's situation can be rectified quickly and if not, perhaps another facility will become available. Our thoughts are with you during this worrying time.

  10. I suspect another facility would be a better location for your mother ~ the comment made to you is totally out of line for an elder care facility. My mom was moved from her original room to a room on the Alz. wing due to her wandering, so I completely understand your situation. Prayers and hugs as you work to find a solution. There is no excuse for such inconsiderate treatment of you and your family, let alone your mother.

  11. I hope you find a better place for your mother. One that truly understands her needs better. Sadly there is not a way to make a perfect life for an Alzheimer's patient and sometimes the options are so sad.

  12. How frustrating this must be! So hard to believe that a nursing home isn't understanding of the situation. I am glad that you have quilting as a therapeutic outlet. Sending hugs your way.

  13. Adding your family to my prayer list!

  14. Oh Susan, I'm glad you found my blog because I have traveled the long goodbye journey with my mother who passed away at age 87 in 2003. I cared for her 11 yrs. but the last 5-6 were the most stressful. Then those last 6 months when she was in the nursing home, I faced the same problems you are facing with the roaming and other's wanting you to "do something". Well, if we knew aht to do we wouldn't have put our loved one in the care of a nursing home!! Right??? Oh I will pray with you and hope we can get to know one another and possibly I can be another support for you. I lost a lot of my health caring for Mama but wouldn't have done anything different. I wish I had learned earlier how to take better care of myself. Lots of money would have helped too but that wasn't ever going to be the case with us. Hope to hear from you. I'm so glad you joined up with me at Grandmama's Stories. How did you find ME???
    Gmama Jane


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