
Friday, July 15, 2011

Quilty Friends And Vintage Sheets

One of the best parts about blogging is the quilty friends that I have made along the way.  This week I was fortunate enough to meet one of my quilty blogging friends in person!  Marlene from Under The Rose lives in Kansas, a far piece from Pennsylvania, but when we realized that her mother lived just a little over an hour from my home we decided that we would have to meet during one of her visits and this week it worked out that we could do just that!  Marlene, her mother and I had a lovely afternoon shopping at Needles Quilt Shop, lunching at the famous Wellsboro Diner and chatting about just about every topic imaginable!  We found that we have much more than just quilting in common, but one thing that we both love is vintage sheets, so we took the opportunity to swap a few fat quarters.  I think my next project may have to be a quilt made with vintage sheets from my quilty friends!


  1. How fun to meet a blogging friend! Beautiful vintage sheets, too :)

  2. How fun to have met a blogging friend for real!!! Those vintage sheets are gorgeous.

  3. I love the vintage sheets too. wish I could find some of those around here . It is so good to actually meet your blogging friends !I can just see the 3 of you sitting at the table talking about those and going to Needles Quilt Shop .I love that shop !

  4. Lucky you! I am so happy for all three of you -- what a fun day!

  5. That's one of the most wonderful perks of blogging and I do love those vintage pieces.

  6. What a wonderful experience Susan. I am so looking forward to that when I go to Australia as I am meeting 4 of the girls that are bloggers for the first time.

  7. I love those sheets!!! I would love to meet some of my blogging friends in person.

  8. What a great time you must've had. I think your vintage project sounds like a great idea.


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