
Wednesday, July 6, 2011


A while ago I hung a 4'x4' design wall above my sewing table.  At the time, my plan was to put a project that needed to be finished on that wall, so it would be in plain view and not forgotten.  That plan worked for a few projects and then I made a couple little wall hangings and those tops looked so pretty hanging over my sewing machine that I just left them there...unfinished!  This weekend I decided that it was time to finish some of those projects.  First on the list was this 17"x22" tumbler wall hanging that I started last November.  It does feel good to finally finish this small quilt, but now there's a big empty spot on my design wall!


  1. Darling little quilt! Guess it's time to start another project so your design wall won't have a bare spot - lol!

  2. Susan it is adorable. Where do you display your small quilts? Did you use the small Go die?

  3. I do love this quilt and well...they say "out of sight,out of mind" so your idea is a good one.

  4. Time to get another project up on the wall!!!! The Tumbler looks great.

  5. I love this little quilt!!!! Perfection!

  6. Sweet little quilt...I love it and the idea of keeping it in sight is a good one! So now you need another one to put into that same spot, and even unfinished it is fun to look at! Have a great day!

  7. I love the colours in your tumbler quilt. Just put it back up on your design wall and it will inspire you to start another!

  8. Susan, I love your little quilt. The thought of a special wall with little quilts on it would be lovely, have you got a spare wall somewhere at home where they can all be appreciated?

  9. Charming! You'll enjoy it even more now! Thank you for a lovely post!

  10. Oh my goodness, right in front of the keyboard is my "tumbler template"purchased from Missouri Star. I have had it for several months now and have done nothing with it.. Hoping someday, I will get to use it. I just might have to try it this weekend. Thank you for your perfect color scheme project to get us all inspired. I have your bookmark site starting at the "Recipe" side of your website, then I visit the "Home". I always enjoy your recipes, too! Thanks for sharing.
    Sharon, W. PA

  11. Wow you did a great job...looks wonderful. An empty space...oh the possibilities...



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