
Monday, June 20, 2011

Just One More

It was a busy weekend that didn't include much sewing, but I did manage to find enough time to make a Mini Amish Bars quilt for a special friend.


  1. love it! Nice colors, beautiful quilting ~

  2. That is a perfect little quilt. Wonderful quilting.

  3. Very pretty! The black and turquoise work great together.

  4. And please tell me why I was not a follower of yours till I love this quilt- how big is this Susan..gorgeous hues..

  5. I love these colors!!!! Your quilting lines are just perfect do you do that? Still need to make a mini amish bar quilt. Trying to get caught up on my blog reading and saw your fabulous pink selvage AAQI quilt on Selvage Blog (I think that's where I saw it)...congratulations, it's a wonderful quilt!


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