
Friday, June 17, 2011

6 In 6 Challenge: Week 6

Mission accomplished...and then some!  I have successfully completed my 6 In 6 Challenge by finishing projects that used 7 1/4 yards of stash fabric over the last 6 weeks...1 1/4 yards past my goal!  The reward for completing this challenge was to be a fabric shopping trip, but I realized a few things while working on this challenge.  The main thing being that I have a LOT of fabric and using 7 1/4 yards didn't even make a noticeable dent in my stash.  Do I really need more fabric?  No.  Do I really need a shopping trip and lunch out with my friends? Yes!  I will still make the rounds to a few favorite quilt shops with my quilty friends, but my shopping list will focus on things that I do need, like thread and batting, instead of fabric that I don't need.  I'm willing to bet that I will still have a very good time even if I don't buy fabric!


  1. Your quilt looks wonderful! And good for you deciding to keep using out of your stash for a while! I'm trying to do the same thing! :0)

  2. I started the same thing last year-using what I have and felt very good about it.
    I feel much better buying what I need (there is always something)

  3. Your quilt looks so lively and fun....

  4. It's a beautiful quilt! Love the primary colors. :)

  5. Makes me think of a new box of crayons with all of those primary colors...and I have always loved new crayons...since childhood! I am also making an effort to use what I have...but I must admit your bright fabrics really jump out and speak to me! I am making myself wait for the Quilt Odyssey Show if I feel I must buy :>)!!

  6. You did great! LOve this quilt and congrats on using your fabrics! Have fun on your shopping trip. I agree, you don't always have to buy fabrics, you can get so much inspiration from a trip through the shops.

  7. What a bright cheery quilt! I periodically stop buying fabric and work from my stash but eventually I find I need to restock. I like being able to pull whatever I need for a quilt from my own shelves especially since I tend to work a lot at night when the fabric stores aren't open.


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