
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Expect The Unexpected

Usually I have an idea, theme or at least some kind of a plan when I make a Priority: Alzheimer's Quilt, but this one just sort of happened without a whole lot of thought.  I was sewing a few pink selvages together and noticed a curve in the edge and thought it might be fun to add a couple of free pieced curves.  It was then that I thought that the project might make a nice Priority: Alzheimer's Quilt...all it needed was a little quilting and a binding.  The quilting was easy...I just echoed the curves.  The binding is where the "unexpected" part came in.  I first thought that white would make a nice binding, but then I noticed that a couple of the selvages showed just a bit of lime green and thought, why not?  Lime green wasn't my first choice, but it did make me smile, so I went along with it.  Just like when a loved one suffers from Alzheimer's Disease, you need to learn to "Expect The Unexpected" and go with the flow and you may just come away with a smile now and then!


  1. I love it! I love the pinks and I love the curves and I love the lime green! :0)

  2. Fantastic! I love the title!! It is perfect for the quilt.

  3. LOVE the lime green border!!! It is perfect.

  4. That turned out great, I love it when a plan comes to mind like that.

  5. What an artist you are! I love this!


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