
Friday, May 6, 2011

6 In 6 Challenge

How do you justify a fabric shopping trip when you already have enough fabric in your stash to last a lifetime?  Easy...create a challenge with a few friends and use fabric shopping as the reward!  What's the challenge?  Use 6 yards of fabric from your stash over the next 6 weeks.  Easy...right?  At the end of the 6 weeks, after my quilty friends and I have each stitched 6 yards of our stash fabric into the projects of our choosing, we will spend a fun filled day of fabric shopping together.


  1. Oh I love this idea! you are a genius for coming up with it!

  2. Great challenge, but who needs an excuse to go fabric shopping????

  3. Great idea! What fun to have quilty friends to do stuff with!

  4. Love the idea!!! Challenges are great creative engergizers!!


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